Forum Software
PHP scripts to create an online community or forum
A community or forum script is a special type of PHP script that allows users to create and manage an online community or forum.
Featured PHP Forum Script

PHP Community/Forum Script
A community or forum script is a special type of PHP script that allows users to create and manage an online community or forum. Community or forum scripts are often used for a special group of people who have come together to communicate about common interests and topics. A forum is a special part of a community where users can communicate with each other and discuss various topics. Community and forum scripts provides features such as creating and tracking new topics, creating and managing user accounts, and posting and organizing messages and comments. There are many different types of community and PHP forum scripts that can be used for different purposes and in different contexts.
Examples of a community or PHP forum script
An example of a community PHP script is the popular forum PHP script "phpBB". It is an open source software that allows users to easily create and manage a complete forum. The PHP forum script offers a variety of features, including the ability to create and track new topics, create and manage user accounts, and post and organize messages and comments. The look and functionality of the forum can be customized through the use of plugins and extensions. Another example of a community PHP script is the forum PHP script "vBulletin". By the way, the forum on is operated with the forum PHP script "vBulletin".