Funeral Script PHP can serve to any funeral home or any news website for publishing obituaries.
One of the most important priority of the script is that you can include into your already designed website and you will be able to fit the obituaries list to the website colors and layout and the visitor will not mark that the script is included in the website. It will looks like a part of your website design.
You have administrative area, where you can control almost every thing you need.
Here is the list of the most important features of Funeral Script PHP that you can control through admin panel:
1. Create Editors/Authors of the obituaries. Each author has own non-administrative area where he will be able to create/edit/delete obituaries. Also will be able to preview and approve the comments on the obituaries.
2. Any language support - all the front-end of the script can be changed to the language and words you want.
3. Admin can control the GuestBook options - automatic approve comments or approve by admin/author, order of the comments in the obituary guestbook, can choose between two captcha images(simple and reCaptcha-100% stop spam), can add allowable HTML tags that can be posted in the guestbook, can create a list with banned words(they are not case sensitive) used in the comments area.
4. The admin and author receives an email notification when the new comment is posted.
5. Can set the number of obituaries per page(pagination option).
6. Can choose between 3 types of obituaries listing: Only names listed, Names and short summary listed and full obituary entry listed.
7. GuestBook has individual visual options, separately from the obituaries lising.
8. Admin can literally copy and drop the code into the existing website and this can be happened in minutes, not hours, not days or more...
Also you receive 7 days support with free installation help on your website.
- Marketplace
- CMS Content Management Systems
- Blog and Editorial Systems
- Funeral Script PHP