What is meant by "SaaS"?

Rent software instead of buying it

SaaS means Software as a Service. Software or services are offered via the Internet and can then be used by a user.

What are the advantages of SaaS?

One of the main advantages of SaaS is that you don't have to install or maintain the software. Furthermore, the software is often available on different devices. For example, as a mobile app or as a desktop variant in the browser.

The applications are often cheaper than the traditional desktop or mobile versions. SaaS applications are much easier to use because there is no installation or maintenance required. 
When it comes to security, SaaS apps are better than traditional apps because you don't have to worry about viruses or other malicious code.

Another advantage might be that many SaaS services offer a free or trial version. Often, the free version only supports some of the features of the paid version.


What are the disadvantages of SaaS solutions?

Like everything else, SaaS solutions have their disadvantages. The most serious disadvantage is probably that many of the providers operate their servers outside the EU and your data is therefore protected by the DSGVO regulation.

You also have to consider that the costs are usually monthly. Purchased software, on the other hand, insofar as you do not need updates, is a one-time purchase.

Although rare, SaaS services can fail, which can lead to enormous problems for a company.


What SaaS services are offered?

Almost every software today is also available as a SaaS service. Starting from word processing to the creation of technical drawings to the creation of texts via an AI.

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