Postaci (Turkish word for Postman) is a multiplatform GPL' ed webmail software which is database independent (MySQL, mSQL,PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL), multilanguage(Turkish, English...), POP3/IMAP and fully MIME compatible. While using POP3 mode to fetch messages it uses database fields to simulate IMAP folders, on which you can save, move, delete,read e-mail.
It is a easy to set up, really secure environment and being used by tens of ISP' s and universities all around the world. It also contains an adressbook, a notebook, a bookmark manager application to bestly suit your needs.
It is a easy to set up, really secure environment and being used by tens of ISP' s and universities all around the world. It also contains an adressbook, a notebook, a bookmark manager application to bestly suit your needs.